Bhuj to Shimla Flights

Are you keen on booking Bhuj to Shimla flight at the earliest? Your dream can now be fulfilled easily on Adani OneApp for flight ticket booking. Adani OneApp has an inbuilt airfare calendar that helps you best Bhuj to Shimla flight price. However, there are no direct flights from Bhuj to Shimla. Therefore, you have to make a flight booking between Rajkot Domestic Airport and Chandigarh International Airport. When you book flights on Adani OneApp for air tickets, you get economical Bhuj to Shimla flight fares. Adani OneApp offers the best discounts and deals on flight booking from Bhuj to Shimla on any day.There are nearly 10 to 12 flights flying between Bhuj to Shimla every day. However, none of these fly directly between the two cities. Therefore, you have to look at other nearest airports to book Bhuj to Shimla flight tickets at good prices and a short duration for arrival. The Rajkot airport has connectivity to all major domestic cities to which you can fly via domestic flights. On the other hand, the Chandigarh International Airport has easy connectivity to major domestic cities of India. It also has connectivity with international destinations like Dubai and Sharjah. If you have a Bhuj to Shimla flight, you should take a train from Bhuj to Rajkot, and then from Rajkot railway station, you can travel by cab or bike to the airport. Rajkot Airport is 234.7 km away from Bhuj. Once you are on a flight to Chandigarh, you will reach soon. When you reach Chandigarh International Airport, you can take a cab or bus from the airport to Shimla.
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Airport Information
7MG7+6H8, IAF Campus, Bhuj, Gujarat 370001
Shimla Airport, 33M8+9R9, Shimla, Jubbarhatti, Himachal Pradesh 171011