Chandigarh to Bhuj Flights

Are you looking for Chandigarh to Bhuj Flights? Adani's one-stop platform helps you choose the most convenient and best-suited Chandigarh to Bhuj flight. It lists all domestic carriers, including Air India, IndiGo, AirAsia, SpiceJet, Vistara, and Go First. You can choose your preferred departure time, date, and ticket price. The Adani platform displays a detailed tariff calendar of flights from Chandigarh to Bhuj as well as for the returning flights from Bhuj to Chandigarh. Discounts and cashback offers on flights are regularly updated. In addition, you can avail of discounts on pre-booking of your return tickets.Currently, there are no direct flights between Chandigarh and Bhuj; however, you can book flights from Chandigarh to Rajkot Airport, which is the nearest airport to Bhuj. Rajkot is 157 km away from Bhuj. Alternate flight routes from Chandigarh to Bhuj include flights from Amritsar, Dehradun, or Jammu Airport (nearest airports to Chandigarh) to Rajkot Airport (nearest airport to Bhuj). Visit the Adani platform today and complete ticket booking for your Chandigarh to Bhuj journey.
Place to visit in Bhuj
Aina Mahal
Hamirsar Lake
Kutch Museum
Prag Mahal
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Airport Information
Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport, New Civil Air Terminal Chandigarh International Airport, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, Punjab 140306
7MG7+6H8, IAF Campus, Bhuj, Gujarat 370001
Frequently Asked Questions
UPI350 | Get flat ₹350 off on paying through UPI.
IDBIDOM12 | Get 12% off up to ₹ 1,200 on paying with IDBI Credit & Debit Cards.
HSBCDOM12 | Get 12% off up to ₹ 1200 on paying with HSBC Credit Cards.
UPI450 | Flat INR 450 off on paying through UPI.
FEDOMD | Get 14% off up to ₹1,500 on paying with Federal Bank Debit Card for domestic flights.
FEDOMC | Get 14% off up to ₹2,400 on paying with Federal Bank Credit Card for domestic flights.
DBSDOMD | Get 12% off up to ₹1,500 on paying with DBS Bank Debit Card.
ONEMBK | Get flat ₹500 off on paying with Mobikwik Wallet.
FRP700 | Get 700 reward points on booking your first domestic flight.
RP400 | Get 400 reward points on flight booking.