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Changing Terminal Alert

On changing the terminal, you will loose items in your cart. Are you sure you want to change your terminal?

Items already in cart!
Your cart contains items from the Arrival store. Would you like to clear it and add items from Departure store?
Items already in cart!
Your cart contains items from other categories. Would you like to reset your cart for adding items from this category?

Digital Information Kiosk

Now assistance is just a video call away, as visiting an Information desk is no longer a requirement. Whether you're looking for airport information, flight information, have a travel-related query, or need help with directions, our Digital Information Kiosks can be accessed from various touch points at the airport. Just give us a call, and you will be directed to our customer service representative to address your queries. So, the inconvenience of finding the Information desk for your doubts is taken care of by us.


Arrival- Opposite Belt 1

Departure- Opposite Check-in Counters


Frequently Asked Questions

Digital Information Kiosks are located at the Arrival opposite belt-1 and Departure opposite check-in counters.
Digital information kiosks at Guwahati Airport are open 24/7.
The purpose of Digital information kiosks is to assist people with access to pertinent information faster and easier as compared to information desks. With the convenience of video calls, one can quickly clarify any query regarding flights arrivals or departures, airport directions, or any other assistance. Our customer representative is just a call away to address your queries.