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Special Assistance

We are committed to making every passenger’s journey smooth and comfortable. At Guwahati Airport, we provide assistance, information, and advice to passengers with reduced mobility and special needs at various checkpoints at the airport. In case on emergency, passenger can also place request at Terminal Manager office. However, as operators, we do have Pranaam services, which is a MaaS extended on a payment basis.

Free Wheelchair Services by Airlines

You can place a wheelchair assistance request with respective airlines while booking your tickets. The request can be placed with airline at ticketing office. Aisle chairs are available and provided by respective airlines according to their volume of operations.

Accessibility and Mobility Help

Guwahati Airport is well equipped to provide services to passengers/patrons with reduced mobility and special needs.


Departure and Arrival Hall.

Frequently Asked Questions

Passengers with reduced mobility and special needs get special assistance at Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport, Guwahati
Special assistance request needs to be placed while making booking with the airlines. In case, you skipped it in the booking process, you can place the request at the counters in the airport.
Special assistance counter is located at the Departure and Arrival Hall at Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport, Guwahati.